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DIY Gardening & Better Living
What is Health? Health is defined "as the ability of a biological system to acquire, convert, allocate, distribute, and utilize energy with maximum efficiency. The World Health Organization defined human health in a broader sense in its 1948 constitution as "a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." Health is essentially how we take care of our bodies. It is dependent on the quality of food we ingest, it is dependent on the amount of exercise and activity we do on a daily basis, it is dependent on the amount of time we give ourselves to recuperate, and it is dependent on how we strive to find calm in an insane world.
There are issues which we have no control over when it comes to health. Hereditary ailments are the most common. Heart Disease, Diabetes, Mental Illness, and even substance abuse are just a few examples of hereditary issues we face. Other factors include age, disabilities, race, sex and other factors. This is not to say we can't take steps to combat, it just means these are issues we need to be aware of and take all precautionary measures.
The factors we can control are all related to our own lifestyle choices. Our diet is the primary factor in almost 90% of preventable diseases. Making the choice and effort to improve our dietary habits is the biggest change we effect on our long-term health. Activity levels and exercise are second to diet in our bodies health. Other factors we can change are our environment, work, emotional and spiritual well being, and other factors.
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