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Writer's picture: DIY GABLDIY GABL

Rainy day and indoor games for kids of all ages! This list is categorized into age appropriate groups, but as always, these indoor games for kids can truly be enjoyed by anyone who is ready and willing to have fun. What indoor games did your family love to play growing up, and what indoor games do you play now with your kids?

You may be thinking that these seem like games for kids. Well, they are! But adults with flexible mindsets will enjoy them too. Who doesn’t want to enjoy life just like a kid again.

Here are 14 family time ideas to get you started: 

  • Try one of these five Thinking games, which  are a fun way to pass the time and can be played instantly.

  • Play Mad Libs! My kids and I like to play this at the dinner table.

  • Start a drawing game. One person starts by drawing a shape on a piece of paper and passing it to the next player, who adds to it. Keeping passing around the drawing until everyone has a turn (if it’s a large group), or for a predetermined number of times (if it’s a small group). This can be played with as many players as you wish.

  • Play hide and seek. It’s not just for kids! Kids love to find the grown-ups!

  • Try a pencil and paper game, like Dots and Boxes. (<— There’s a video with instructions in that post.)

  • Play hot potato.

  • Play an old school game of  spoons!

  • Play Simon Says.

  • Play a guessing game: put an assortment of items on a tray, everyone tries to memorize the items. Everyone closes their eyes then one person removes a few items and players try to guess what was removed. I even have tons more memory games ideas.

  • Everyone has a deck of cards. Try one of these 40 games to play with cards!

  • Do you have an overflow of paper cups? Divide into teams and see who can make the highest tower without it falling over.

  • Set up dominoes to make a domino run!

  • Play simple Minute To Win It style games.

  • Pull out a 1000 piece puzzle. If you have room, set up several puzzles for different skill levels.


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